There is an ongoing digital revolution and transformation throughout the world. Learning how to use digital technologies and strategies to market and promote your business is the fast, quickest and cheapest way to build and grow your business.
If you are really tired of using traditional marketing to market and promote your business, try blogging. That is the very first way to use digital marketing to grow your business.
Just a quick one here!
What is blogging?
Blogging is simply using contents to market and promote your business. It is the act of using contents to provide value to your customers so that they value your business so much that they want you to help them more and do business with them.
Blogging uses contents such as articles, audios and videos to provide valuable solution to your customers. The Golden Rule says, “Give, and it shall be given to you.” The way to use the Golden Rule in your business is to provide solutions for your customers—for free through blogging—so that they will begin to chase you to help them.
So how do you start this business blogging?
If you already have a website, add a blog to your website. You can’t afford to just have a website sitting there. People are getting very busy online than offline and the way to connect with them is to use the vehicle of blogging.
If you don’t have a blog, then start a blog. With a domain name and web hosting, you can create website for your business and start a blog on it for your business. Once your blog is ready, the next thing to do is to begin to use blogging to market your business.
Sales Over Marketing
Blair Singer, one of Rich Dad’s Advisor and author of Sales Dogs said in his book, “The more marketing you do, the less selling effort you have to deal with.” That means the way to work less and sell more is strategic marketing.
He added, “If you currently spend equal time selling and marketing your product or service, and then decide to invest twice the amount of time marketing yourself, your products or your service, then you will end up expending half the effort! The more quality effort your spend marketing, the less you have to physically sell.”
So here comes the marketing math by Blair Singer:
S (Sales) ×M (Marketing) =$ Results
(Double “M” and spend half the time on “S”!)
In short, the way to revolutionize your revenue is to develop better, quicker and faster ways of marketing and promoting your business. The more you market and connect with people, the easier your sales system will become. And blogging is a great way to market and promote your business.
There are four simple ways to use blogging to market your business.
- Develop a Buyer Persona
- Plan Your Content Strategy
- Create and Publish Valuable Contents
- Promote and Share Your Contents to Your Target Audience
- Engage and Connect with Your Audience
Develop a Buyer Persona
The very first step in marketing is to know and understand your target market. If you don’t know who you are marketing to, then blogging is not going to help you. I promise you, you’ll fail!
So you have to understand the demographic (who is the customer), psychographic (why the customer buys) geographic (where is the customer). The way to do that is to conduct a market research, analyze the research findings and then develop a clear target market profile.
Your target market profile defines your buyer person. Your buyer persona—is a clear description of the type and kind of customers who loves and gets attracted to your business. They are your ideal customers and people who buy your product.
Plan Your Content Strategy
You now have your blog and your buyer persona. Now what you need is a content strategy. Your content strategy is simply a strategy on what you will sharing, when you will sharing and where your be sharing those contents.
The purpose of your content is to solve a problem for the customer. The content must fill a need for the customer—it must always be valuable, useful, rich and consistent with your brand. You can use videos, audios and articles to market and promote your business.
You have to also set goals for your blog. What do you want to get out of the blog? Get more customers o register for your program? Get more people sign up for your consultation and training programs? Get people to do business with? Define your goals in the content strategy as well!
Create and Publish High Quality Contents
Once you have set your blogging goals and develop your content strategy, you have to begin to create contents and publish them consistently with your editorial calendar. Your content can make your business an expert in the field, improve web traffic and generate leads for your business.
The contents you publish on your blog must be rich and filled with high value solutions to solve the problems of your potential customers. If your blog does not provide value for the audience, it will never market and promote your business!
The contents you create must be customer focused first and then optimized for search engines. The contents must fill a need for the customer and then be optimized to be found on search engines over a period of time.
Promote and Share Your Contents to Your Target Market
Once you have created, edited, optimized and published your content on your blog, the next step is to promote the blog post to the right target market. If you fail to share and promote your contents, it will not get found and you will not achieve your marketing goals.
You don’t just throw the contents everywhere. You share those contents at the right places where they can be found by your target market. You have to understand and know where your target market can be found online—their social media, social media groups, forums and communities.
Then you go and share your contents there. You can also employ the vehicle of guest blogging and then share your blog content—rich with your expertise and solution to people’s problems—at highly trafficked websites. This will enhance the exposure of your business and brand!
Engage and Connect With Your Audience
Using blogging to market your business is a strategic process. You create, publish and share your contents. Then you have to connect, relate and engage with your audience. If you fail to do this last step, you may not reap mush results in using blogging to market your business.
So how do you engage and connect with your target audience?
- Leave great contents on your customer’s blogs
- Answer comments of your audience on your blog
- Send thank you messages to people who like your post on social media
- Give a FREE PDF copy to people who subscribe to your blog
- Answer comments related to your blog post in social media groups
- Focus on gathering emails and contact information of your target market and building relationship with them over time.
The key in using blogging to market and promote your business is to build relationships with new customers and strengthen relationship with old customers. So you have to focus on building relationships because until people have related and trusted you, they will not buy from you.
People buy from people they know. People buy from people they trust. People buy from people who they believe wants to serve and help them. The more helpful you become in using your blog to solve your target market’s problem and then building relationships with them, the quicker you will begin to see the results in using blogging to market your business.
Do you have some questions and comments on your mind? Share them below.
Anyway, if you need assistance to start a blog for your business, create a website for your business, use blogging to market and promote your business, maximize social media for your business or create high quality contents for your business blog, don’t forget our address.
You can check our catalogue of content writing services below.
Think Expand Limited
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