The first battle in e-commerce is getting your online store off the ground. But once your online store is up and running, the next step is to implement and execute an e-commerce marketing campaign that will double your online store sales faster.
For online stores, most people seem to be preoccupied with the product and the design element of their store. Well, while those are good, you need to be focused on the marketing and selling aspect of e-commerce.
Dig Deeper: How to Start Your Own Online Store
You should always start your online store or e-commerce business with your target customer in mind. Find a need that people have in the marketplace and then sell a product or service to solve that need. Your e-commerce business should first and foremost be built on the needs of a group of people in the market.
If you build the wrong foundation for your online store, no marketing tactic will work for you. You have to always keep the fundamental principles of marketing in mind when you are thinking about how to drive more sales for your online store.
In his book, “Multiple Streams of Internet Income,” Robert Allen said there are three most important questions in marketing which if solved will ultimately generate leads, sales and profits for the business. What are those questions?
- Who is the target customer?
- What do they want?
- How can I motivate them to ACT now?
Keep these three questions in mind as we show you a very simple process to drive more sales and growth for your business. According to marketing guru Jay Abraham, the road to business success is to simply find more customers to buy more and to buy more often. If you can do this, your online store will explode with profits.
Design Your Online Store Sales Funnel First
The most important action you should take when you want to drive more sales for e-commerce. Create and develop a proven step-by-process you will follow to get visitors to your site, generate leads, convert those leads into paying customers and ultimately keep them.
Before the order is made, what steps will your potential customers follow?
Consider the following sales-funnel process: leads, prospects, customers, evangelists. Then using the sales process below to build the funnel.
- Step 1: Create a lead magnet
- Step 2: Promote the lead magnet
- Step 3: Build your database of leads.
- Step 4: Add value through ongoing content.
- Step 5: Build trust and relationship with your list.
- Step 6: Market, promote and sell to your list
The best solution to creating a lifetime stream of cash flow for your online store is to build your list of pre-qualified leads. Without this list, you have to always be creating ads to drive sales for your online store.
But when you take time to build your database of contacts (leads), and then nurture and build a strong relationship with them, the results can be sporadic. To get started, you need a lead magnet. What is that?
A lead magnet is an interesting or irresistible FREE offer that will attract your target customers into your funnel. The first challenge is defining who your target customers are and then using step one to get them into the funnel.
You offer something for FREE such as:
- A free report
- A free guide
- A free ebook
- A free consultation
- A free product with paid shipping
- A free shipping for a discounted product
Your FREE offer must be something that your target niche or customers want and need. As MJ DeMarco would say, “People will always want what they want!” So, make sure the freebie you are using as your lead magnet is something that people really want.
Step 2: Promote the Lead Magnet
When you open your online store, you’ve got to know that nobody knows you. So, you can’t be in a hurry to sell and make six-figure profits. You first have to exercise patience, build awareness, and then get traction and attention in the marketplace.
How do you build strong brand awareness, visibility and attention for your online store? You first promote your store and its associated lead magnet to get people into the funnel.
Dig Deeper: 17 Cost-Effective Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Online Store
- Optimize your store and product pages to appear on Google using e-commerce SEO & creative product descriptions.
- Create profiles on major social media such as Facebook, Linkedin & Instagram.
- Get a Google My Business Listing for your online store and optimize it with content.
- Create a press release to heighten awareness about the launch of your online store.
- Tell your customers and friends about the opening of your online store.
- Start your one-post per day social media campaigns across all platforms.
- Create blog posts and content to engage your visitors and promote your e-commerce store on social media platforms.
- Partner with Instagram influencers to heighten awareness about your store or also guest blog on big-name blogs and engage in blogger outreach.
- Run Facebook & Google Ads to drive traffic to your offer and online store.
- Join niche-specific groups and forums on social media and add value to your target audience there
Step 3: Build Your Database of Leads
You might think this is old-school marketing. You want to run Facebook Ads and then drive strangers to buy. Yeah, that’s what most people are doing. But what will happen is that your cost per action will be very high and if your product pricing and offer don’t fit the needs, your stranger on Facebook or Instagram will abandon the cart.
Marketing Guru, Seth Godin said, “Marketing is the process of converting strangers into friends and then friends into customers.” When you create your lead magnet and set up your funnel, you are converting strangers into friends. What you do here is to promote your lead magnet, the free offer….and then start attracting your target customers into your e-commerce sales funnel.
You can run targeted Facebook & Instagram Ads to achieve this result. You might want to focus on building your first list of pre-qualified leads of 1,000 to 10,000 contacts. The bigger your contacts, and the better the relationship you build with them, the higher your earning potential will be in the long-term.
You can leverage a CRM or autoresponder to manage and build the leads you are getting through your campaigns. As the leads jump to grab the free offer, you also get their email address, phone and WhatsApp contacts to do business with them.
Step 4: Add Value through Ongoing Content.
The first thing most people do when they want to promote their business online is to tell their service or product features. No! People don’t care about your products and their gargantuan features, they care about solving their needs and problems.
So why not start by creating a series of content that will provide answers and solutions to those needs/problems? When your content starts resonating with them and offering them help, their attention will be turned to you for your premium products and services.
You can start your email/WhatsApp marketing by focusing on adding value, rather than pushing products on people to buy after you get their contacts into your database of leads. Why email or WhatsApp marketing, people prefer personal messages in their inbox than social media messages for the masses.
Therefore, create your content plan and content ideas. Then create two or three pieces of content to share with your database of contacts through a Weekly WhatsApp Broadcast or a Weekly Email Marketing Campaign. Study and understand the needs of your target audience and let your content focus on solving and fill them.
Step 5: Build A Trust and Relationship with Your List.
People care about people who think about them and care about their needs and problems. Trust and relationship is everything in e-commerce. The more your database of contacts trusts you, the easier they will respond to your offers.
As you take on step four, you will start building a relationship with them. But for a sale to take place, they need to know and believe in your brand and that is why building the level of trust that will kill their fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) is essential.
How do you build trust to generate sales from your database of leads? You use trust content.
- Trust budges on your website.
- A secure payment processor gateway.
- A credible brand with no scammer poach.
- A good number of testimonials for social proof.
- Proof of people buying and liking your products/services.
- Case studies showing how you have helped people.
- Awards and other mentions on press releases.
- Years of experience in business and success stories.
- A high ranking on Google to prove your credibility.
- Nice, appealing, friendly and attractive online store design.
Step 6: Market, Promote, Sell and Up-Sell to Your List
Once people start responding and begin to relate with you, you are ready to chip in a product/service. And when you are doing this, you’ve got to let your product/service be solution-driven rather than sales drive.
Ensure that they are in the mode to help, not sell. Focus on offering products or services that will help your leads, not just to make you money. As MJ Demarco would say, “ People want what they want.” Find what they want and offer them in the right way.
How do you do that?
- Create promos, coupons and sensational offers.
- Design a flyer/label for your offer and create a sales copy to promote.
- Share it everywhere: website. WhatsApp, email, social media etc.
- Create your e-message through email/WhatsApp and promote the offer in it.
- Recommended, up-sell and cross-sell your best seller products.
- Consider running a Facebook Ad to re-target your audience.
- Embed off in social posts and blog posts and link to it.
- Rinse and repeat the system.
We trust that using the above system with discipline and consistency, you will lay the foundation to skyrocket your online sales and also double your sales in no time. Need help to implement the above? Just Call/WhatsApp us and we’ll be more than happy to guide you!
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Need help to start or market your online store? Just Call/WhatsApp: +233 548334499